A Law Firm Focused On Helping Consumers
Gorski Law, located in Philadelphia, was founded by attorney Greg Gorski as a law firm exclusively for consumers who have been adversely affected by the wrongs of the consumer data and debt collection industries. The firm is focused on two areas:
Assisting consumers and employees correct or remove inaccuracies and errors on credit reports, background checks and screening reports sold about them.
Protecting consumers from harassing and deceptive conduct of creditors and debt collectors.
Accuracy Matters on Consumer Reports
We live in a rapidly expanding digital age founded on the collection and marketing of consumer data. This reality has resulted in a barrage of consumer data products coming to market with a focus on selling these products instantaneously over the internet. The products generically classified as "consumer reports" include: credit reports, criminal reports, background checks, insurance claims history, tenant screening reports, employment history, social media history, and address history.
As recent news headlines have confirmed, the accuracy of information on consumer reports has taken a backseat to the profit margins and the speed at which reports can be sold to interested buyers. Additionally, the growing number of instances identity theft has left the integrity of consumer data vulnerable to attack by hackers and fraudsters.
Inaccurate consumer reports can have serious consequences for consumers. Denied a mortgage. Rejected on a job application. Turned down for an apartment. Auto insurance cancelled. These are all examples of the destruction that can be caused by these inaccuracies. Consumers often have limited understanding of their rights when confronted with these problems. Moreover, the consumer ordinarily received little in the way of helpful assistance or empathy from the companies selling these reports since these company view the consumer as the “product” instead of a customer.
Keeping Collectors Honest
Debt collection in the 21st century has also changed. Collectors are now more aggressive about reporting debts to credit bureaus. They are also prime users of consumer location ("skiptracing ") reports. These reports rely upon the troves of location data that is now collected about consumers providing the collector with the debtor's addresses, phone numbers, employers, as well as names and contact information for relatives and neighbors. Collections have also become more automated. Computers are relied upon now to send letter and make phone calls.
Even though collectors have more data and more powerful computers to automate their collection activities, they still need to play by the rules. Unfortunately, collector compliance remains a major issue affecting consumers. Complaints about collectors to governments agencies remains the number one consumer complaint. Collection abuse also takes a toll on the consumer. Consumers who owe debts usually are already experiencing substantial hardship. Abusive and demeaning conduct by collectors can literally push consumers over the edge. Sometime these abuses expand into collecting upon a consumer who is not even responsible for the debt.
Consumers often struggle to ward off collectors harassment on their own. Consumers many times do not even realize they have recourse against the collector its misconduct. Yet holding collectors accountable remains the primary mechanism to keeping collection activities honest and ensuring that consumers are treated respectfully.
Trusted Representation Built on Quality And Experience.
Gorski Law is a firm consumers can turn to for help. The firm's approach is simple: correct the problem and obtain fair compensation for the consumer. The firm works to achieve these ends through both litigation and alternative out of court methods depending on the circumstances and the wishes of the client.
When you choose Gorski Law, you are putting your case in the hands of a law firm with substantial experience handling consumer law cases. Your case will not be handed off to junior attorneys with limited experience. Greg Gorski personally handles every case the firm accepts so you can be reassured that you are being represented by a lawyer with 15 years of experience handling consumer cases for hundreds of harmed consumers. You can also rest easy knowing that your case will not be in the hands of the type of firm that practices in a laundry list of legal areas but has little experience to handle your specific problem. The firm was specifically designed as a boutique practice to provide quality legal services founded on experienced representation and personal accessibility.
Initial consultations at Gorski Law are always free. Please call or email the office to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.
“Dedication will determine what happens.””