Pennylvania & New Jersey Consumer Rights Law Firm

Terms & Conditions

Website Terms, Conditions & Disclaimers


  1. The information and materials available on this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice provide by Gorski Law, PLLC. (“Gorski Law” or the “firm"). Although Gorski Law makes every effort to provide complete and up to date information on this website, the firm makes no guarantee regarding the same. Nothing in the information or materials available on or accessed from this website, including any exchange of information through this website, creates an attorney-client relationship with Gorski Law.

  2. The time to bring a lawsuit is not unlimited. If you believe you need assistance from an attorney, you should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation without delay. Contacting Gorski Law, PLLC for an initial consultation or otherwise does not create an attorney-client relationship prior to executing a representation agreement with the firm.

  3. By submitting information to Gorski Law, you agree and understand that the firm may contact you directly should the firm have interest in discussing your potential claim(s) with you. Do not send any confidential information to the firm until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established. Any personal information you provide to Gorski Law will not be distributed to any entities or individuals outside of Gorski Law. Your request for a consultation does not obligate Gorski Law or its attorneys to contact you with regard to your potential claim(s), but rather the firm may or may not do so at our sole discretion.

  4. The attorney responsible for the content of this website is Greg Gorski of the law firm Greg Gorski Law, PLLC, 1635 Market Street, Suite 1600, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Greg Gorski is licensed to practice law in the state and federal courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey and is admitted to practice in select federal court jurisdictions in Colorado, Oklahoma and Michigan.

  5. Nothing about any cases or experiences which are discussed on this website, including verdicts or settlements, should be construed to be representative or predictive of an outcome in another matter, and do not guarantee a particular result in any other case.

  6. This website contains links to other sites. Gorski Law is not responsible for the content of any external site. Please read the privacy policy of every external site you visit before disclosing any personal information.

  7. Gorski Law reserves all rights with respect to all copyrightable text, graphics and the overall design of this website. Copying, reproducing, or modifying information or materials on this site without the express prior written permission of Gorski Law is prohibited.

  8. The website may only be used in good faith and may not be used to transmit or otherwise make available any information that is false or that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements), to threaten, abuse, harass, or invade the rights of any person or entity, to infringe on any person or entity’s intellectual property rights, or in any other way that could reasonably be deemed unethical, illegal, or offensive. You may not misidentify yourself or impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity (e.g., pretend to be a different person or from a different company or organization).