Pennylvania & New Jersey Consumer Rights Law Firm
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Common Credit Errors

A list of common credit report errors is provided to help identify what may be wrong with consumer's credit report with links for more information on those specific errors and the causes of those errors.

Common Credit Report Errors

Once you obtain a copy of your report, review it thoroughly and circle any information that appears to be incorrect. A list of common credit report errors is provided below to help identify what may be wrong with your report with links for more information on those specific errors:

If any of these problems exist on your report, you may need to wage a dispute to resolve the error.  You should also consider consulting a lawyer. You may have a right to receive compensation for some of the harms listed above without having to dispute. Further the harms caused by these errors can be serious including:

  • Denials of credit including mortgage, home equity loans, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards
  • Unable to buy consumer products such as cable tv or cell phone service.
  • Rejected rental applications;
  • Rejected employment applications;
  • Denied insurance.

Do You Need Help?

If you are experiencing any of these problems, Gorski Law may be able to help.  Gorski Law may be able to help you resolve the error and obtain compensation for you as a result of the error. Initial consultations are always free. Call the firm at 215-330-2100 or email the firm to schedule a consultation.