Pennylvania & New Jersey Consumer Rights Law Firm
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Requesting Credit Report

Find out about the best way obtain a copy of your credit report for free and what to look for when reviewing your report.

RequestInG Your Credit Report

The first step in correcting errors on your credit report is to report the reports and identify what problems exists.  You have the right to review your credit report at any time. Additionally, you have the right to review your credit report from each national credit bureau (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion) for free once every year. You also have the right to review your credit report for free if you were turned down for credit.  Therefore, the best approach to obtaining a copy of the your credit report to review is to get it for free.

The best option is to obtain a free credit report is through the website  This site is managed by the three national credit bureaus and provides you with a copy of your credit report free of charge. The site allows you to obtain a copy of your reports online. This site also has instructions on how to request a copy of your report by telephone or by mail.

Sometimes consumers can experience problems obtaining a copy of their credit reports. For example, if you are trying to obtain your report online, you might receive an error message that it could not generate a report. You also might receive a letter back from a credit reporting agency indicating that it does not have adequate information to create a report or that no file exists. Sometimes this can be a sign that there are errors on report, but it also becomes a more significant problem for the consumer because it is impossible to isolate the error without seeing the report.

Do You Need Help?

If you are experiencing problems obtaining a copy of your credit report, Gorski Law may be able to help. If the problem is caused by errors on your report, Gorski Law may be able to help you resolve the error and obtain compensation for you as a result of the error. Initial consultations are always free. Call the firm at 215-330-2100 or email the firm to schedule a consultation. 

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