Pennylvania & New Jersey Consumer Rights Law Firm
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Thomas & Company

Information about the specialty consumer reporting agency Thomas & Company with instruction on how to obtain a copy of a Thomas & Company report or to dispute an error on a Thomas & Company report.


Thomas & Company (T&C)

T&C is a specialty consumer reporting agency based in Nashville, Tennessee. T&C provides identity, income and employment verification services to employers.

Obtaining A Copy Of Your Report
T&C does not have a specific procedure for requesting a copy of your consumer report. You may contact T&C directly for more information.
Go to T&C Support Page

Disputing Errors On Your Report
T&C does not have a specific procedure for disputing inaccurate information on your consumer report. You may contact T&C directly for more information.
Go to T&C Support Page

Do You Need Help?

If you have an error on your consumer report or are having difficulties obtaining a copy of your report, Gorski Law may be able to help. Gorski Law can remove errors from your report and obtain compensation for any harm you have experienced as a result of any errors. Initial consultations are always free. Call 215-330-2100 or email the firm to schedule a consultation now.